Download Dropbox Full Version With Key
When compared with similar services, Dropbox offers a relatively large number of users, with the use of various operating systems, both for mobile and desktop devices. There are different versions for different operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux (official or unofficial). And there is also a variety of versions for mobile devices, including Android, Windows Phone 7, iPhone, iPad, WebOS, and Blackberry, and web-based clients. Software Dropbox using Freemium financial models, and service provides a free 2 GB of free online storage. For my friend who suggested Dropbox users to others can increase the storage capacity up to 8 GB. Of very great is not the service that is given to the developer, if we use this application. Features owned Dropbox also very great and spoil the users, among others, namely: All files are saved to Dropbox friend will be saved instantly to computers, cell phones, and the Dropbox website. Shared folder allows the handling of the project and the same document, Application for iPhone, iPad, Android, and BlackBerry make Dropbox friend is always there within reach, even while traveling, Dropbox protects files friend have that friend does not need to be worried about.
I will also explain to my friend doblank software, how to use and setting this Dropbox application. Where you can easily and not have to wonder anymore to your friends, if you'll understand, you can share knowledge with more friends on how to use and setting Dropbox.
How to Use Dropbox Dropbox and Setting:
- The first, of course my friend must download and install the Dropbox application first.
- Once you have downloaded and installed it, my friend can add folders and share them with friends buddies without having to copy and paste the link.
- Who need to do is just my friend to invite a friend who will take them to a folder buddy buddy and pal store files in the folder will be automatically exist in the buddy invite a friend's computer, with the proviso friend and comrade wear Dropbox also online.
- How to share folders, log in to the Dropbox website and pal create a folder there, then the folder will be automatically on the computer that is already synchronized Dropbox application.
- Right-click the folder that it will be some options, select Shared folder options, then enter the email Dropbox buddy friends, so friends buddy agree then you are in sync with friends pal.
By storing files in Dropbox friend have, my friend does not need to worry anymore if the hard drive is my friend have arrived - arrived damaged. Dropbox ensure that the files are stored there will remain safe. What I liked, dropbox provide an undo facility to cope when a store where the files were accidentally deleted my friend. Maybe it's just that I can share reviews to Buddy Doblanksoftware about this Dropbox application. Hopefully what I have shared with my friend can be beneficial. Thank you for visiting my friend in Blog Doblanksoftware.